Been a while! I thought I’d resurrect the blog and treat myself to my own domain. Linking them turned out to be quite easy - read below.

Custom Domain on AWS

I chose to register my new domain using AWS and Route53, it was really easy:

  • Follow the steps outlined in the documentation here. I initially wanted an .io domain but damn they’re expensive (apparently only because they are trendy). I settled for
  • Once you have your domain and it has been successfully registered, you will need to create two records if you want both and to correctly resolve/redirect to your blog pages.
  • The steps are outlined here, but in essence you need to create two records (see screenshot below):
    • A record - pointing at GitHub Pages ips in above link.
    • CNAME record - pointing at the <user> address of your GitHub pages url.
  • Once done, navigate to your repo -> Settings -> Code and automation -> Pages and change the Custom domain to match your newly created domain (see screenshot below).
  • You may have to wait a few minutes to tick Enforce HTTPS.
Route53 Records - you will have to create the A and CNAME records.
GitHub Pages config page - change the Custom domain to match your newly acquired domain.

That’s it!